What does "with 0 threads" mean

In std_connector.camkes,many connector type specify “with 0 threads”,I want to konw what does it meng ?

It means that there aren’t any threads allocated in the camkes runtime in the component instance with an interface connected to that end of the connection. The camkes runtime for each component instance calculates how many threads it will create and manage by summing all of the threads declared in all of the connections instances associated with the component instance.

Specifically for an seL4RPCCall connector, the from side of the connection is the caller of the remote procedure call. When an interface function for an instance of this connection is called, the thread that is calling the function will block until RPC operation completes. No additional thread is created. The to side of the connector is the callee and it has 1 thread (the default number of threads is 1). This thread serves any RPC requests.

Thanks very much for your help