seL4 summit 2024 sponsorship opportunities closing soon

The seL4 Summit is the annual international summit on the seL4 microkernel, the
world’s most highly assured OS kernel, as well as on all seL4-related technology, tools,
infrastructure, products, projects, and people.

The seL4 Summit gathers the seL4 community to learn, share, and connect:
Learn — about the seL4 technology, its latest progress, use, successes, challenges, and plans
Share — exciting seL4 development, research, experience, and application in the real world
Connect — with other seL4 developers, users, providers, supporters, and potential partners

Your benefit as a sponsor:
• Get strong visibility as a major player in the seL4 ecosystem
• Showcase your seL4-based products, technology and services to target audiences in the field of seL4
• Support the open-source technology and community
• Connect directly with attendees through the expo booth, branding materials, and videos

For sponsorship packages and opportunities, visit Sponsor | LF Events.

Email us at to reserve your sponsorship, ask questions or talk about different options.