Can't generate ELF image for hifive platform with seL4Test

Hello everyone,

I try to build seL4test as explained on the documentation page for the Hifive platform.

My goal is to run the generated image using Renode to simulate a SiFive fu540 board, in a similar way as presented during Risc-V summit (, with the difference that I’m using the official seL4test repo (GitHub - seL4/sel4test-manifest: Project to build and test seL4 for many different platforms).

However, to do so, I need an ELF image, but when I run:

../ -DPLATFORM=hifive -DSIMULATION=FALSE -DElfloaderImage=elf

the generated artifact in /images seems to be a raw image instead of an ELF (checked with “file” command). The flag ElfloaderImage don’t appear to have any effect when using PLATFORM=hifive.
When I try with another Risc-V platform (eg. Ariane) I can successfully generate an elf file.

Why am I not able to obtain an elf with hifive? Am I missing something? Any idea?

Thank you for your answers

OK, I just found out that I have to set Sel4testAllowSettingsOverride to true.